ACT & MFPS List of Talks

Joint ACT & MFPS keynote

Joint ACT & MFPS special session in memory of Phil Scott

Organiser: Rick Blute (University of Ottawa). Chair: Andrew Pitts.

(Phil’s obituary in the CMS Notes.)

MFPS invited speakers

MFPS special session on the semantics of non-wellfounded and circular proofs

Organisers: Anupam Das and Abhishek De (University of Birmingham). Chair: Abishek De.

Contributed talks

Jump to ACT contributed talks or MFPS contributed talks.

ACT contributed talks

MFPS contributed talks

Additional sessions

There will also be a meeting of the Southern Logic Seminar in Oxford during this week. (Separate sign-up required for this.)

Adjoint School / ACT sponsors:

Sponsor of inclusivity
  Topos Institute Univesity of Oxford Department of Computer Science

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